The company is located in China shenzhen futian district qiang north SuFa building 519, is a instrument shell, chassis, plastic shell, waterproof boxes and other products distribution wholesale individual operation. Management of instrument shell, chassis, plastic shell, waterproof box of popular consumer market. In consumer products enjoy higher status among, the company and several retailers and agents established long-term and stable relationship of cooperation, the instrument shell distribution of this company strength, heavy credit, abiding by contract, guarantee product quality, with many varieties of management features and small profits and quick turnover principle, has won the general customers trust.
- 主要经营产品:
- 仪表壳体; 机箱; 塑胶外壳; 铝型材外壳; 精密铝压铸
- 经营范围:
- 加工:机箱外壳,模具制品(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)〓
- 营业执照号码:
- 441381600324939
- 法人代表:
- 张正香
- 成立时间:
- 2011-01-01
- 职员人数:
- 101人
- 官方网站:
- 未提供